My Herzensbusiness Program is for you if..
you are stuck in your frustrating 9/5 job that feels heavy and exhausting. Deep inside of you, you know there is so much more, but you don't know how to get out of this hamster wheel. You have already tried so much to find your true calling.
you want to become self-employed as a coach to support people in their personal development or health, but you have no idea what your real niche should be
you are overwhelmed with all the practical steps into launching your own business
you have already started your own business, but you procrastinate because you are not clear about your true offer and as a result, you have a hard time finding clients
you finally want to find your calling and to start your own business with a deeply rooted, clear vision and certainty about your path
you want to earn your money with joy, ease and complete fulfillment- no more trading time with money. No more limited vacation days and stuffy offices.
you want to build your business in your own way, in flow with your intuitive impulses and run it confidently without being dependent on strategies that you don't enjoy
you can hardly wait to start your holistically fulfilling business full of energy and deeply connected with your inner wisdom with me as your mentor.
This is what you get in the Herzensbusiness Group Program:
4 Monate ganzheitliches Business - Mentoring mit ingesamt 11 Gruppen-Zoom-Calls
Unbegrenzter Zugang zu Meditationen und Clearings als Audiodatei, um limitierende Überzeugungen (z.B. zum Geldverdienen, Sichtbarsein..) aufzulösen & in deiner hohen Energie zu bleiben
4 Monate lang direkten Support bei täglichen Fragen über WhatsApp sowie eine gemeinsame Gruppe zum Austausch mit den anderen Teilnehmer*innen
1 interaktives Workbook mit wöchentlichen Übungen und Erklärungen
Tägliche Verbindung mit deiner inneren Stimme, absolute Klarheit über dein Angebot und wie du es auf deine eigene, erfüllende und freie Art verkaufst
Unbegrenzter Zugang zu den Call- Aufzeichnungen, Bonusmaterial & HowTos für die praktische Umsetzung deines Business (z.B. wie du deinen passenden Podcast startest, Landingpage und Branding erstellst, deine magnetischen Texte für dein Marketing schreibst und auf bewusste Weise deine Klient*innen gewinnst )

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Short facts about the Herzensbusiness Program
Start: January 11, 2024 - March 14, 202024
Zoom calls: Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.
Your investment:
€1777.00 plus VAT (Early Bird price until December 20, 2023)
€1999.00 plus VAT from December 20th, 2023 - payment in installments possible by arrangement. :-)
Register by January 10, 2024 at the latest using the form below:
25.09.2024 - 22.01.2025 Mi, 25.09.2024, 20 Uhr Mi, 02.10.2024, 20 Uhr Mi, 09.10.2024, 20 Uhr Mi, 16.10.2024, 20 Uhr Mi, 23.10.2024, 20 Uhr Mi, 30.10.2024, 20 Uhr -Integrationsphase- Mi, 20.11.2024, 20 Uhr Mi, 04.12.2024, 20 Uhr Mi, 18.12.2024, 20 Uhr Mi, 08.01.2025, 20 Uhr Mi, 22.01.2025, 20 Uhr
Why I am your expert for your successful Soul Business
After a bank apprenticeship and a degree in English und Business Administration, I myself was disoriented and frustrated for years when I was looking for that one job that really belonged to me. I was depressed by the 9/5 corporate life and so disappointed of the monotonous professional life I had striven for all these years. I spent 6 years looking for my calling and got to know a wide variety of areas.
But only when I really got to know myself and learned to understand my inner voice and intuitive impulses, my very own soul calling came to me crystal clear.
I then developed my very own process, which in 10 weeks leads to your clear niche and soul offering by connecting the superconscious, subconscious and conscious mind. Today, I guide people into their free, fulfilling Soul Business. Focusing also my marketing only on what I truly love, I decided against social media and the common business strategies. I went all in with my online business with my "Herzensgold" podcast which was in the German ApplePodcast charts within only 3 months. I love spending the winters at the beach and my vision is to give as many people as possible the same freedom and fulfillment with their very own calling and their successful Soul Business.
Because life is far too short to make compromises.
If you are ready to finally start your free and fulfilling business and to earn your money with ease and joy, then book a free Clarity Call with me. Ask me all your questions and we can then together explore whether my program is suitable for you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
All the best to you
Christina ♡